

RadioLogger is the number one solution for recording and archiving your radio broadcasts
Latest version 2.2
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RadioLogger 2.2 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
3392 KB
Review date
2 February 2011

RadioLogger is a valuable tool that allows you to quickly and easily record and archive your radio broadcasts.
This useful application with amazing features is a must have to record and archive your radio station broadcast on the computer hard drive. This archive of the latest radio broadcasts can be used in various situations. In case you are required to prove to a company that the advertising tracks that they have commissioned are being played at the correct times and frequencies, a radio archive can provide this proof. The program supports features like: its scheduler can automatically start/stop recordings in specified hours, older records can automatically be deleted, recordings can be done directly from the playback device and compressed into user specified formats, creates logs of the complete history of all the archives, and much more.
This useful program is also capable in encoding into mp3, ogg or other codec on the fly, without intermediate WAV.